1. Two copies of the Paper should be submitted and must be printed on only one side of the paper using double
spacing throughout (including footnotes and list of references) with sufficient margins on all sides, along
with soft copy in CD. Soft copy should be in Microsoft word Times new Roman Font, 12 Font size, double
line spacing.
2. The first page of the manuscript should contain only :
(a) Title of the article, Paper Note or Comment
(b) Name of the Author.
(c) Name of the Institution to which author is affiliated.
(d) Brief academic bio-data and work experience of the author.
(e) Complete Postal address, e-mail and phone no.
(f) The subject matter should commence from second page onwards for anonymity so that the referee will
not know the identity of the author.
3. The paper should not exceed l0 to 15 pages
4. All manuscripts should include an abstract of about 150 to 300 words.
5. Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the data used in the manuscripts. If manuscripts contain
statistical, analysis, authors should provide supplementary notes (which will not be published) on the
methods used in the analysis for the convenience of the referees. Statistical tables should be clearly titled and
the reader should be able to understand clearly the meaning of each row or, column. Units of measurement
and sources of data should be clearly stated.
6. The author should certify on a separate page that the manuscript is his/her original contribution. It should also
be mentioned that the paper is not submitted or accepted for publication by any other journal.
7. Authors will receive a complementary copy of the journal in which their articles are published.
8. Publication of the article is subject to the review done by the board. once article is sent, it will not be returned
to the author if it is not accepted for publication.
All contributions, manuscripts & editorial correspondence should be addressed/E-mail to
Dr. S. B. Nagar
Editor in Chief
Janardan Rai Nagar
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth (deemed To-be University)
(NAAC Accredited “A Grade”)
Dabok, Udaipur (Raj) 313 022
Website : www.ijptr.net,
E-mail : chiefeditorijptr2014@gmail.com, drsbnagar@gmail.com
Ph. : 0294-2656271, Fax. 0294-2656271, Mob. : 94142-91078
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